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Crooning While Cozy: How to Get Better at Singing at Home

Picture this: You’re singing your favorite song in the shower, only to have your partner, parent, or roommate bang on the bathroom door and tell you that you aren’t sounding good at all. So, you rinse out your conditioner, dry off, and fire up your laptop to Google search “How to get better at singing at home.” 

So many people have been there! But I have some great news for you: You can get better without expensive voice teachers/vocal coaches or hours commuting to classes; improving your singing voice is something achievable right within your four walls!

By understanding basic vocal techniques, establishing a daily routine for regular practice, getting hydration habits right for singers, and more – you’ll soon find your groove without having to leave the confines of your home (or bathroom). 

Ready to learn how to get better at singing at home? Let’s dive in which these singing tips and more.

Table Of Contents:

Finding Your Voice: Where to Start

To become a good singer, you first need to understand your voice. Think of it as an instrument; one that requires regular tuning and proper maintenance. It’s not just about hitting high notes or low ones; it involves learning how to use your vocal cords effectively.

Vocal Technique and Health

Your vocal cords are like two bands of elastic muscle tissue located in the larynx. When air passes between them, they vibrate, producing sound. This is how we sing. 

A strong singing voice comes from healthy vocal cords. That means drinking plenty of water for lubrication and avoiding smoking and alcohol. 

Different parts of our body contribute differently when we sing: Our chest voice gives us power while our head voice allows for higher pitches. To navigate smoothly between these vocal registers, start with simple exercises such as humming tunes before moving onto more complex vocal warm-ups like scales and arpeggios.

Expanding Your Vocal Range

The range from your lowest note to highest achievable note is known as ‘vocal range’. Some folks naturally have wide ranges but don’t worry if yours seems limited now – expanding it is totally possible.

A great way to extend your vocal range includes working on both ends. Trying lower than normal notes after warming up can help stretch out those vocal folds over time; similarly reaching toward more elusive high notes will gradually increase upper limits too.

Breath Support and Control

If you’ve ever tried holding a long note, you’ll know that controlling the breath is vital. A steady stream of air can make your vocal tone clearer and pitch more stable. This requires strong diaphragmatic support, something many beginner singers overlook.

One way to improve this is through breath exercises like ‘diaphragm breathing’. Sit up straight and place your hand on your stomach while taking a deep breath, expanding the belly outward and keeping shoulders relaxed. 

Make sure that as you breathe in, your belly expands outward while keeping your shoulders relaxed. Then, gently exhale, like you’re softly blowing out a candle’s flame.

Key Takeaway: 

Unlock your vocal potential at home by understanding it as an instrument that needs tuning and care. This involves mastering vocal techniques, nurturing your vocal health, expanding your range with regular practice on both high and low notes, and enhancing breath control via diaphragmatic exercises.

Building a Daily Routine for Improvement

Singing at home can be an enjoyable and rewarding endeavor. But to truly get better, you need a structured daily routine that includes essential elements like warm-up exercises and ear training. These are not just arbitrary tasks but fundamental practices proven to help singers improve.

The Importance of Warm-Up Exercises

A car engine needs some time to run before it operates at peak performance; your voice is no different. A well-structured warm-up exercise primes the vocal cords for more intense activity later on. Warming up not only facilitates singing, but it can also help avoid potential harm to your precious pipes.

Before you practice singing next time, start things off with this five-minute warm-up, one of my favorite vocal exercises:

Learning How to Train the Ear

Moving from the physical to the auditory, training the ear is crucial if you want to sing in tune on a consistent basis. It’s about developing your inner hearing ability so that matching pitch becomes second nature, no matter how complex the melody might be.

This skill doesn’t come overnight; it requires consistent effort over extended periods. The key lies in making it part of your daily routine. Then, you’ll find yourself hitting correct notes with ease sooner than you’d think. 

Rest Is Essential Too

Just as athletes need to rest their muscles after a strenuous workout, singers also require vocal naps. These are periods of silence that help prevent fatigue and promote vocal health. Don’t feel guilty about these quiet times; they’re an essential part of your routine.

Key Takeaway: 

Good singers prepare their pipes with vocal exercises, breath support strategies, ear training, and more. But they also know when to rest. Don’t forget to incorporate vocal naps into your routine to limit fatigue and improve your overall vocal health. 

Hydration and Environment for Singing

It doesn’t matter if it’s from the tap, the bottle, a well, or straight from the sky: Singers need to drink water. All the time! Not only does keeping our voice well-lubricated make us sound better, but it can also protect against damage.

That’s because water keeps the layer of mucus that coats our vocal folds healthy, allowing them to vibrate freely when we sing. Poor hydration can lead to thicker mucus on the folds which can cause strain. 

You should aim for at least eight glasses of water per day, although if you’re working hard or exercising then more might be needed.

Maintaining a Healthy Singing Environment

Beyond keeping ourselves hydrated internally, maintaining external humidity levels is also important for respiratory health. If air becomes too dry from heating systems or air conditioning units, it can cause dehydration and strain on your voice. Using humidifiers could help ensure optimum environmental conditions conducive for singing.

But what about those other substances, such as smoking and vaping? It’s probably no surprise these are bad news for anyone looking after their vocals.

Getting Better at Reaching High Notes

For many singers, hitting those high notes can seem as daunting as climbing a mountain. But fear not. With the right approach and practice, singing high notes doesn’t have to be a struggle.

First off, let’s debunk a common myth: Your ability to sing high is not limited by your voice’s physical characteristics. It’s all about technique, specifically how well you control airflow and engage the correct muscles in your throat.

Head Voice vs. Chest Voice

While your chest voice involves the middle and low notes of your vocal range, the high involves using what we call ‘head voice’. Finding this head voice may feel odd at first, but once mastered it lets you access an entirely new realm of pitch. 

An example of someone who has mastered their head voice is Celine Dion, as evidenced by the video below.

A good way to find your head voice sensation is by practicing sighs that start from a higher pitch and then sliding down smoothly. Remember: Don’t strain yourself while doing so; it should feel easy on the throat.

Maintaining Proper Posture

To give space for optimal breath flow leading to better control over upper range performances, you need to maintain a good singing posture. Keep your chest comfortably lifted and shoulders relaxed while standing or sitting with a tall posture.

Another essential factor for hitting high notes is keeping the jaw open wide enough to allow sound out freely without any hindrance from tight facial muscles.

If you’re singing at home, consider observing yourself in a mirror as it can be a great way to bolster self-assurance and refine your abilities.

Key Takeaway: 

Unlocking your high notes isn’t some mystical journey — it’s all about technique and practice. Explore using your head voice (different from chest voice), remember to breathe deep for support, keep up good posture, and don’t shy away from practicing regularly in front of a mirror. 

Addressing Vocal Strain and Pain

If you’re experiencing throat tension or discomfort while singing, it’s time to hit pause. Singing through pain can lead to serious vocal damage. 

But don’t worry. With some expert guidance from a trusted source, you’ll be back in full voice before long.

The Root of the Problem: Throat Tension

Let’s start with an analogy: Picture your voice as a sports car, sleek and powerful but also delicate if not handled properly. Push it too hard without warming up? You risk engine trouble.

In much the same way, our voices need careful attention. A bad habit many singers fall into is overworking their vocal cords, leading to pesky throat tension. 

If you feel your voice is not quite what it used to be or if singing starts to become uncomfortable – take action immediately.

Key Takeaway: 

Protect your voice from damage by treating throat tension or discomfort with rest and hydration. And if singing becomes uncomfortable, don’t ignore it. Act promptly!

FAQs in Relation to How to Get Better at Singing at Home

How can I improve my singing voice at home?

You can enhance your singing by practicing daily; focusing on improving your chest voice and head voice; and maintaining good hydration.

How can I get better at singing by myself?

Solo improvement comes from disciplined practice. Regularly warm up, work on expanding your range, and train your ear to hit the right notes.

Can I train myself to sing better?

Absolutely. With regular exercises focused on technique, pitch accuracy, and breath control, you’ll notice an uptick in your vocal prowess over time.


Want to know how to get better at singing at home? Breath support and control are pivotal. Regular practice, combined with a routine that includes warm-ups and ear training, will take you far too, as well as hydration and rest. And don’t forget to work on both your head and chest voice too. 

You see? While a vocal coach can help, there are also many ways you can develop a regimented singing routine without having to leave the house at all! Just refer back to the singing tips in this article and you’ll be on your way!

Picture of Jacob Burton

Jacob Burton

Jacob Burton is a highly rated professional vocal coach located in Nashville, Tennessee. He offers instruction via both online and in studio, and specializes in singing with proper technique, increasing the vocal range, vocal therapy, and especially the "mix" technique.